New Registration Links

Hello everybody. Please note that there are now registration links for both Teams and Judges/Officials. You can find these links in the menu bar above.

Spontaneous Scrimmages

The Northern Spontaneous Scrimmage will be held March 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM, at Mater Christi School, 50 Mansfield Ave., Burlington.

The Southern Spontaneous Scrimmage will be held Feb. 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM at Mill River Union High School, Clarendon.

Space is limited in both locations, so register early.  There is no charge for this event.

Want to register?  Click here.

OOTM is Entering a Contest; We Need Your Votes!

Hi and Happy New year!

Odyssey of the Mind is entered into a contest to collect the most votes by Jan. 27 for a chance to win $2,500 and a visit from Abby Wambach.  Would you please help us out by voting every day right here? Thanks!

Please share this with as many of your friends and families as you wish!!

Update: The contest is now closed, thank you for your votes!