OMER’s Award: OMER’s Award may be given to coaches, team members, parents, officials or others who serve as positive examples or role models through their actions and works, or to team members who exhibit exceptional skill, as opposed to creativity. It is awarded to individuals who exemplify the spirit and philosophy of the Odyssey of the Mind, or to team/team members who exhibit exceptional talent, outstanding sportsmanship, and/or astounding teamwork.
- Colchester Coordinator, individual award: Stephanie Fournier
- Richmond Elementary School, P5 DI, team award
- Town of Brandon, P4 DIII, team award
- Union Memorial, Primary, team award
- Camels Hump Middle School, P5 DII, team award
Ranatra Fusca: The Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award is given to a team or individual for demonstrating outstanding creativity. This award embodies all that the Odyssey of the Mind program represents.
- Given for Spontaneous: Colchester Middle School, P5 DII, team award