Opening Ceremonies:
Float and Banner Parade:
Awards/Closing Ceremonies:
Opening Ceremonies:
Float and Banner Parade:
Awards/Closing Ceremonies:
Check out photos from the 2019 Vermont State Tournament by looking in Tournament Photos!
Great 40th Anniversary Tournament with OMER in attendance.
Find your scores here:
We have a friend crocheting plastic bags to be made into Sleeping mats for the homeless. Takes about 900 bags to make a 3′ x 6′ mat.
If you have clean plastic bags you want to recycle for a good use, please bring them to the Tournament and we’ll take it from there.
The 2019 Vermont Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament has been posted.
Everyone who has volunteered to serve as a judge at the 2019 Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament is required to attend a judges’ training session. This is a 3.5 hour training. Refreshments will be provided.
Date: March 2
Time: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Registration is required. Please reply to this email if you will attend. (This is so I know how much to bring for refreshments.)
Thank you for volunteering. We could not have a Tournament without you. It is my favorite day of the year (yes, it beats Halloween).
See you at training!
Vermont Creativity Quest, Inc. offers a $500 scholarship to a former or present participant of Odyssey of the Mind in Vermont to be used by the recipient for higher (post-secondary) education. Division III (High School) participation will be viewed especially favorably. Applicants (High School seniors or first-year post-secondary school enrollees) may apply by completing the scholarship application ( Former VCQ scholarship recipients may not apply.
Want to have one of the most rewarding Saturdays of your life? Become a Vermont Odyssey Judge for this year’s Tournament.
You must be available for the entire day on Tournament Day (16 March) and for the morning of 02 March for Judges’ Training.
Registration is through the Members’ Area on the OM website using your membership number (from membership registration) and zip code. We also ask that you provide a judge or official to volunteer at the Tournament. Judge Volunteers MUST be available for Judge Training Saturday, March 2, 2019 from 9 AM – 12:30 PM in Essex AND for the FULL day of the Tournament Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 7:30 AM – about 4 – 4:30 PM. Please plan ahead.
Once logged in, select “Team registration” from the list on the left of the screen. This is also where your judges and volunteers find their registration portal.
Tournament registration fee is $75 for Division 1-3, $25 for Primary. Late registration (after Jan. 18), fees double ($150 for Division 1-3, $50 for Primary).
Payment is due Feb. 2, 2019. Payments made after Feb. 2, a penalty applies.
Payment may be made by check or by credit card through PayPal. Payments through PayPal will be charged a 4% service fee.